Calendar Synchronisation 

As a user login to your control panel and select calendars from the left navigation bar.  

Under Calendar select “setting”. 

Choose the calendar provider (Outlook / Google) you wish to synchronise with and enter your 3rd party sign in credentials. 

Once you have “signed in”,  click the “synchronise” button on the i-navigator platform (you will only need to do this once when you first set up). 

Fig 1.0 Locating Calendar Setting

The platform will ask if you want to synchronise, once you click “yes” all your current appointments will be added to the 3rd party calendar.

Removing The Synchronisation

In order to disable the calendar integration, choose Calendar from the left navigation bar, then “settings” and then select “logout”. 

Figure 1.1 Disabling the Calendar Synchronisation

The platform will ask if you “are sure you want to logout”; by selecting “yes” all appointments will be removed from your third party calendar.

Fig 1.2 Confirming Synchronisation